Wednesday, September 11, 2019

This is a date 9/11 that should be remembered by all Americans.  Reality struck and reminded us that the world has changed forever.  Needless killings both foreign and domestic should be stopped.

I got quite a bit done towards leaving for home.  This morning we head for Salida to have blood drawn, meet the doctor, then have a massage and finally infusion of my current medicine Opdivo.  There goes the morning.  We'll head home from there and I'll have a chance to get some more packing done this afternoon.
I hate to repeat myself but that's what I'm doing now that the summer is almost over. 

Our friends, Dale and LuAnn will come up Thursday afternoon and we're looking forward to seeing them.  In fact I'd like to be finished packing so we can sit around a talk without me having to do too many thing around the RV. 

I'm going to brag a little because this is the best position I've ever been in ESPN's "college pick'em".  In one contest I'm in the 98% percentile and my position is 6157.  I don't know how many million enter this competition.  In the second contest I'm at 97% and my rank is 6006.  All that can go sour quickly with a bad week but right now I feel good about the first two weeks.

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