Thursday, September 12, 2019

On Wednesday we went into Salida to see the doctor.  I had blood drawn so the doctor could see the numbers before we met with him. We met Dr. Kennedy and had a nice discussion with him about my thyroid situation.  We agreed on what should be done and he cut the dosage amount to start the process of finding out just what the correct one for me should be.  Doctor Fanache had up the amount because it needed it but since that time I haven't had as much energy as before the increase.  Dr. Kennedy reduced the amount and I started with it this morning.  

I then had my massage.  I felt so relaxed after Iris was done that I went to sleep after the steroid and Opdivo (my medicine, drug) was administered. I gave the nurses and Laurie and Hannah (schedulers and acting PA thank you cards for taking good care of me while we're up here.  What a nice group of women.

Later in the day Kenny stopped by and told me about his fishing experience at Crystal.  I took him there Monday and the fish were'n taking the "teterbaetis" like the normally do and I felt a little low because of my telling him that that fly does well up there.  Yesterday he told me that he did real well with the "teterbaetis" and wanted to know how to tie it.  He was impressed with the fly and I felt better and was glad he tried it again.

My winners (in red) for this Saturday are:
1.  Mississippi State wins over Kansas State.
2.  Colorado over Air Force
3.  UCF defeats Stanford
4.  Iowa over Iowa State in a close one
5.  Washington over Hawaii
6.  Virginia defeats Florida State
7.  TCU upsets Purdue
8.  Nebraska over Northern Illinois  (hope third times a charm)
9.  Boise State over Portland State (Boise is on a roll)
10.  Texas Tech in a close game over Arizona

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